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Mobile fitness training and body contouring

Now, you don’t have to travel to the gym for workouts anymore. Just contact us online and book a personal trainer. We’d be delighted to send one over to your location.

Train Conveniently Anywhere You Choose

Time was when you had to dress up, pack your training gear, and then drive across town to the nearest gym. Imagine having to brave urban traffic just to get there on time for the workout session with your fitness trainer. Consider all this a thing of the past.

With our mobile trainers now available to health and fitness buffs in Riverside County and other select areas in California, we make all this easier and more convenient for you to do. Join any of the programs we offer at Infit Personal Fitness Training today. We’d be happy to recommend the ideal training regimen for you.


From Fitness 


Linda Na' 

“I started my physical fitness journey because my body and physician said it was time. In the mix of my journey, l found my purpose in the world of kinesiology. I’d hoped to motivate others to pursue their goals of becoming more physically fit.

“If l can motivate one person to reach the maintenance stage for becoming physically fit, l know that I can also vow to motivate a thousand more to achieve the same goal. Let me show you how to maintain a healthier lifestyle.”

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